Разбираем гардероб. День 20-22.

28.09.2014 22:17

Вот что-что, а одежду я не выкидываю. Ну как... Сначала я ее долго ношу, а потом она оказывается где-то в коробке или на дальней антресоли. Пару раз я угадывала знакомые узоры в новой маминой тряпке для пыли, но это было давно и неправда :)

Я совершенно серьезно. Я ненавижу тот момент, когда я осознаю, что вещь выглядит плохо и придется покупать новую. Но это все мои заморочки, а речь сейчас не о них. Итак, куда девать ненужную одежду?

отдать вещи б/у1. Благотворительность. Нуждающиеся есть всегда. Будь то детдома или пострадавшие от пожара/наводнения/землетрясения. Вы всегда найдете того, кому нужна ваша помощь. Могу дать только один совет - прежде чем везти свои вещи в пункт приема, уточните, принимают ли они ношеную одежду. По своему опыту могу сказать, что во многих детских домах принимают только совершенно новые вещи и даже идеальное состояние не учитывается. Но разумеется, не нужно нести тряпье! Не забывайте, что люди, пострадавшие от жизненных невзгод также хотят выглядеть красиво. Уважайте их и себя. 

Если вы решили использовать интернет для избавления от ненужной одежды (да и других вещей) вот несколько полезных ссылок:


Для детских вещей существуют специализированные площадки.


2. Прием на комиссию. Что такое комиссионные магазины наверное знают все. Сдать туда вещи достаточно просто - узнаете когда происходит прием и приносите вещи. В магазине ваши вщи оценивают и вы подписываете соглашение. Как только ваши вещи будут проданы, вы получите свои деньги за вычетом комиссии магазина. Минус такого способа в том, что редко получается продать вещи быстро. Кроме того, некоторые вещи будут оценены за копейки и проезд к магазину вам обойдется дороже, чем полученная выгода. Поэтому, если ваши вещи в идеальном состоянии, стоит воспользоваться сайтами бесплатных объявлений. Если же наоборот... Ну тогда будем искать другой способ утилизации :)

3. Совсем-совсем непригодные для носки вещи называют ветошь. В процессе переработки получается регенерированное волокно, которое, в свою очередь, имеет широкий спектр применения — от утеплителя до шумоизоляции. Пункты приема одежды, в том числе ветоши, можно посмотреть на с Greenpeace сайте«Вторая жизнь вещей»: карта пунктов приёма вторсырья. К сожалению, моего города там нет. Но может вы найдете там свой.

4. Вторая жизнь старой одежды. Ну и самый творческий способ - переделать старую одежду в новую. Тут я даже не знаю, что сказать. Набираем в поисковике "переделка одежды" и пропадаем на доолгое время. Тысячи мастер-классов, миллионы идей - загляните хотя бы на сайт Вторая улица. В разделе "Своими руками" вы обязательно найдете что-нибудь для себя. Только слишком не увлекайтесь - некоторые вещи уже не стоит пытаться обновить.

5. Полезные мелочи для дома. Сюда я бы отнесла все-все, начиная от тряпочек для пыли и заканчивая самодельными игрушками. Сложно представить, сколько различных применений могут получить страые вещи. Для примера приведу несколько фото:

Свитер можно переделать и в подушку.

Что сшить из старых джинс - Поделки

Изделия Из Джинсов :: mallfirst

Украшения из старых джинсов - Самые красивые и креативные украшения здесьq

my19edwin: Что смастерить из старых джинсов? (часть 2)

Игрушки из пары носок. Примеры работ. Рукоделие и хобби. Видео, фото, мастер класс CD Gen demo

Игрушки из носков - Поделки

19 Апреля 2013 - Персональный сайт

Коврик из старых - Заказать прикольную футболку с уникальным дизайном.

Экономные дизайнеры: коврики из старых футболок Портал о дизайнерах и архитекторах Екатеринбурга.

Вяжем тапочки из старых футболок. Мастер-класс


Продолжать можно еще долго. Хватило бы одежды для воплощения всех идей :) А я пока пойду разбирать свою одежду - мне грозит переезд и нужно оставить минимум вещей. Буду действовать постепенно - сортировка, приведение в порядок, раздача-отдача, а там как пойдет. Желаю и вам успехов.

День 20-22. Разбираем гардероб

Using Best 3d Models Marketplace

JosephShinc 04.05.2018
3D artist are employed in most distinct industries. They are really essential in every field, but they are exclusively important in the concept of Architecture. Such 3D models are the simplest method for spell out how building structure will appear from various angles and panoramas.

The flawless model appears so real. 3D models also help in searching for small errors in the item, so you will probably utilize 3D modeling to examine the perfection of marketing. Solid models define the loudness of the object and are more realistic, although a much troublesome to construct. The displayed model reveals substantial quality and values for this provider along with an image of the last property. Models made by MEP designers might quit spatially accurate enough through the early phases.
You define the way your model will act. Including a model leaves very little doubt about the facts of the last product. Nowadays 3D models are getting in order to the most effective tool employed for marketing any kind of item or a firm or any kind of industry it might be. Making 3D video game models isn't a totally hard procedure and right away you may make some nice models for your games.

It's possible to build a 3D model by becoming a polygonal model and then converting it in the sub-divisional model. A 3D model is utilized to supply a notion of the item in detail. In prototyping, 3D model is crafted from a very simple 2D model. 3D Rendering model is the procedure that aids the user to develop a model picture, once it's completed.

If you would like to get really great at modeling you're going to need to put in many hours of practice and it is possible to need to develop your talents as an artist. 3D modeling isn't only employed for new construction but also widely utilized to renovate or to remodel aged buildings. This is the perfect technique to lessen possibility of any error in the design of your ideas. It is the creation of a virtual 3D object by using 3DS Max and computer graphics. Many companies use it to market the products. 3D modeling or animation is applicable where it is fundamental to convey your organization's professional image.

You should learn basic techniques first prior to jumping right to greater expert practices. Many Individuals are thinking about learning different 3D modeling methods. There are numerous modeling techniques utilized by 3D artists.
The demand for models stems from the indisputable fact that computer screens are flat. The use of conventional modeling along with state-of-the-art technique distinguish JH May as a connected with the finest in group. Using 3D modeling in graphic design is getting more commonplace and is employed from a diverse assortment of distinct fields.

The very first, 2D has existed forever on drafting tables across the whole planet. 3D may be applied in Architectural, Mechanical or Structural relevant projects.
If you are a game developer and you don’t want to spend hundreds of hours modeling then you might consider purchasing 3d models.

Of course, you will be looking for the economical market with top quality because games demand many 3d models in order to start level building, for that we advise you to invest in 3dcgstore marketplace.

You can also contact their support team and tell them the assets that you require, they will provide it in swiftly with shocking price.

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Top-Rated Free 5 of Animated Birds 3D Models You Can Find for Game Design in 2019

JosephShinc 03.05.2018
<p>Every small feature is demonstrated in a working sample that may be copied and used in your project. Hands have a tendency to appear okay until you attempt to manipulate them, when their deficiencies begin to appear. The exact same company makes sure that MicroScribe works best with a lot of applications thanks to its technical experts which have worked well with MicroScribe. This then allows building an array of security applications like video surveillance and real-time access control systems. Healthy competition always proves beneficial for a business and directly impacts the functioning of the competitors which let the consumers to get the very best product and solutions. </p> <p>You are able to pick from 18 nations including Britain, Germany, France, China and Egypt, every one of which has a couple of unique units like the German Tiger Tanks. The files can be saved into precisely the same format. But this number has increased. </p> <p>Whenever these frames are played quickly, you'll get to see motion. Once completed, the final special effects shots made, together with the color correction done on the full film, are incorporated in the last edit, which is currently referred to as an internet edit. If you're shooting a dark scene, then you need to boost your ISO to raise the sensitivity of light. </p>
<p>A character rig can vary from easy and elegant to staggeringly intricate. This can quickly escape hand if you're targeting a cell device or you intend on having many different animated sprites on your screen simultaneously. Shallow depth of field, is due to low f-stops and quick shutter speed. </p> <p>Animation Workshop is an excellent decision to create short clips. That's all you have to do in order to play the animation. It is very simple and easy to understand, and decent basic features. </p>
<p>You can take a look at an instance of this effect with the internet Papervision 3D demo. Naturally, there are numerous other 3D softwares. If you're exporting from Blender, think about using the Godot Blender exporter plugin rather than the integrated exporter. </p> <p>The standard of your work is going to be of vital significance, regardless of what your qualifications or background. How quickly you progress will be dependent on your talent and abilities. At this time you can construct your creative abilities and abilities employing the super technology. </p> <p>It's tough to think this is a little small business site. It's possible for you to find success with each choice if you're eager to tackle it. You're invited to think of crazy ideas. Spend some time on this website and you'll grow to love it. Providentially, the response to this question is yes. The list has a huge number of entries, a number of them are Gone are the times when books were the sole supply of knowledge and conceptual learning. </p> <p>If you would like your rig to keep realistic proportions, it's important to decide on a constraint to lock the position of each joint in connection with the remaining part of the rig. Both parks provide fun and exciting experiences for the entire family. Overall, everything appears interesting and pragmatic. </p> <p>In the past few years, a high number of sites have appeared offering just that and, as you need to pay for most of them, there are lots of free 3D models online too. The capability to track eye movements enables building a number of entertainment applications like trying eyeglasses. The game has a range of city structures and buildings that it is possible to increase the cities. </p> <p>There are two fundamental approaches that animators commonly use to do this. Learning how to utilize it's time-consuming and best done by obeying the comprehensive tutorials on the Blender Web website. It's simple to understand and simple for beginners to grasp too. Nevertheless, we'd highly suggest it to beginners in the complicated area of computer animation.</p> <p>You'll also observe that there's a play and pause button on the monitor. The frames might also be rendered in real time as they're presented to the end-user audience. Did some challenging scenes in a brief time. </p> <p>It's obviously not surprising an easy-to-use, dependable, and quick method of producing accurate 3D computer models can be offered by MicroScribe for its users. The enterFrame function is utilized to figure out the present frame. 1 device that's been considered useful for this goal is the MicroScribe G2 which can be used with all current 3D digitizing software for MicroScribe. </p> <p>It turned out to be an incredible experience and we had the chance to work in diferents steps of this brief movie. Therefore, if you're planning to take 3D animation for a career and possess the perfect expertise, nothing should stop you now. For that the game does not have any story-based campaigns, which are commonly included in different alternatives like Company of Heroes. Take a look at the video below to find the 10-minute film. </p>

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